They were fun.
They were hilarious.
I was clinging on every word.
I was unable to set the book down.
Until the third one at least. That's when I began to get that odd wave of deja vu, accompanied by the seemingly amazing ability to predict what was about to happen next.
I struggled through, trying to force myself to "OH-no!" when the Erasers swooped down and kidnapped Angel...again. I tried to feel sorry for the flock when they were captured and put in The School.....again. I put forth immense amounts of willpower attempting to cling on to Max's ever-so-slowley progressing relationship with Fang as they kissed and then drifted apart....again. I even tried to follow every blow with fierce intensity as Max battled her double to the "death" guessed it, again!
By the forth book, I really TRIED to read it, tedious as may be, until I read the series list and found out there were four more published and many more in the making.
Sorry, it was stretched wayyyy too thin to keep my attention.
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